Our Objective

      The Scholarships Programs objective is to give students from economically challenged backgrounds the opportunity to pursue their dreams by attending institutes of higher learning. Students whom wish to peruse a degree in Arts are of particular priority. These courses often require students to acquire material and supplies which can be costly and difficult to obtain for young people form disadvantaged backgrounds. Our goal is to help the emergence of new talent that will serve as a model of success for future generations.
  Attaining a higher education increases professional opportunities and improves overall quality of life by providing finical stability, expanding network opportunities, and developing a strong work ethic. Gainful employment and a positive cash flow take away stress factors that many of our students face today and allows them to live a happier and healthier life. Not only does a higher education provide career opportunities it also teaches one to understand complex subjects, think analytically, and discuss and communicate complex ideas effectively. Our hope is that our students who benefit from our scholarships will serve as mentors for kids aged 12-17, showing them the possibilities that stem from hard work and education.